Engineering Learning into Play

Pringles snack challenge

In true MHK Play Studio fashion, our Camp Days are filled with creativity, play, friendships, and fun. All of our Educators work diligently to create a camp that fosters developmentally appropriate practice. Some might say school-age children need ‘more’ during the day, but with these past few years, it is even more apparent that play is so important!

All of our camps start with free play. This allows children to start their day at their own pace. This could be jumping in to play at the magnet wall with others, sitting at the maker space drawing and creating, watching and observing an animal, or even reading a book. Just like adults, we all start our day differently. My husband knows that I am not able to thoughtfully answer questions until after I am ready and have started my coffee. Children are the same, especially if they don’t know everyone! Free play is one of the most important parts of the day as it sets the ‘stage’.

We incorporate reading and literacy into everything that we do. So, we started our day with two of our favorite books:

Rosie Revere Engineer

This book is a wonderful introduction to engineering (failing forward and never giving up)! For an added experience, consider downloading the Novel Effect app on your device. It adds in some amazing sound effects. >>>Purchase Here<<<

Experiment #256 - This science book is all about learning what to do when things don’t go right! Jam-packed with some fun! >>Purchase Here<<<

Our provocations for this particular Engineering Camp included the following:

  • Outdoor Building Challenge: We have the amazing outdoor Community Playthings blocks. These are durable, heavy, and encourage children to work together to build structures. The children that attended our camp are familiar with these materials, so they were challenged to design and build a structure that could hold at least two children and be three levels. We were thankful the weather was perfect for some time outdoors for this challenge.

  • Domino Challenge: We actually don’t have dominoes at MHK Play Studio, but we talk about material properties a lot! Children were challenged to make a chain reaction that included a spiral. They worked with a variety of materials to solve this particular problem.

  • Pringles Snack Challenge: Children had a special addition to snack aside from the cheese cubes and fruit, Pringles! They attempted to create a ‘ring’ with the Pringles. If you saw our stories, then you caught a child that almost had it…and then a side caved! With fostering a ‘fail’ forward approach, this child actually laughed when it happened. It’s just another opportunity to keep trying and learning.

  • 100 Penny Bridge Challenge: With some simple materials (straws and tape), can you construct a bridge? What about a bridge that holds 10 pennies? 30? 75? How about 100?

As a licensed facility with KDHE for school-age programming, and as educators, we strive to make our Camps the best possible experience for each child that attends. We want children that attend our camps to experience the joy that we experience by having them a part of our day.

Always keep playing,
Kasey - Owner and Founder


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